Letters to Santa - Community News

Dear Santa,

I would like a spy robot and a candy cane and legos and a new tent. Ryan, Age 5.

Dear Santa,


Dear Santa,

I wish that you will bring me a x/box 360 with minecraft and a bsl. (Santa knows.)

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I would like a kindle fire, more sock monkeys, and a new comfitor. I have a question. Does Miss Claus get you anything for Christmas? Well probably cookies of course. Do you like chocolate milk? I want to change it a little bit. Hope you have a jolly good Christmas! Love, Shay Tresselt, Age 10.

Dear Santa,

Shabshin iPad n urimrcnholr. (Santa knows.)

Hello Santa,

How are you. We have presents undr are tree I relly hope you visit me. Tank you for the smore maker I love it. I mad raindear cards fars Dasher and Dancer Prancer and vixen come cupid & bonnner and Blitzen and Rudolph. Brooke, age 7.

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I want a karaoke machine, lotion from Bath & Body Works. I want the dog zoomer or my own dog I'll take care of myself, and anything else. Oh wait, no I want one more thing, a happy family and a good life! Lillie, age 9.

Dear Santa,

What I want this Christmas is a x-box 360! I also want a digital pet. I would also like a I phone 5 and a Nook. If I could have all of these things I would be so pleased with you. P.S. my sister is scared of you. Jeannette Soto, age 9.

Dear Santa,

My frind.s. say that you are. Not rell. But I Want a stuftanamll. And it is goeig to de a Polrbare. And Santa. Have a Merry Christmis? HoHoHo. Jaycee Debusk, Age 6. (ART)

Dear Santa,

I want a black hounddog I like your job you're a ant. Johnny is a very bad boy. Marshall Jackson.

Dear Santa,

I wat a krosbow. I wat a cats. He is niss he is funeey I wat Donkey long I wats kylander fum walker. Jackson Luv e.

Der Satan,

Ne want a 5yeur old batman and I unt a xbox. I aw good ta scloo sumtims. I like uyo and yeur efs ary finny. My mom cald yo but Im good noe. Logan M, age 5.

Dear Santa,

I would like a furby Boom! Sparys, Katy Perry New CD: Prisem, and a New windows eight I pad. Yeah I think that's what it is called ? Evan I know that you gave me a Ipod touch 4 last year. So I want you to give my best friend BFF Graci & me a big fat fluffy stuffed animal. Thank You Santa! By Ema, The only Girl with one M in the name Ema.

Dear Santa,

This year I want a lot so hears my list. I want cash, crazy loom and a great Christmas and so much more. I want a Wii controller, a black real horse, some business christmas card greetings with fur inside size 4 ½. Love Samantha D., age 10.

Dear Santa,

What I want for Chistmas is a xbox, action figures, funny reindeer hat, slinke, yo-yo and legos. Grant, age 9.

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is: 1. Police car. 2. Castle. 3. monster truck. 4. race car. 5. four wheeler. 6. Board game. 7. video games. Steven, age 5.

Dear Santa,

How are you doing I hope you and your elves are ok? I want my family to be habby and flutterby fairies please. I hope that you have a good Chistmas and safe travels. Love, Rylee W., age 9.

Dear Santa,

I have a present for you by the cookies and milk. I have been good this year. I wood li sky landers swap force. Adan, age 7.

Dear Santa,

I want a Kindle Fire (hd). A new bike. I also want flipes. So if you can get all the stuff I want I'll make shure to leave cookies, milk and some carrots for your reindeer. Love David, age 9.

Dear Santa,

Please I womt toy gun rmuth troll car. Riley, age 6.

Dear Santa,

May I please have an uggle dog and zoomer. I have been good this year. I help feed my cats and set the table. Best Wishes, Trinity, age 5.

Dear Santa,

This year Ive a been good boy. I wont a train helicopter and cloths shoes. Enrique V.

Dear Santa,

I want a Barbie house and barbies. Grayci, age 5.

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year I want a big gumball machine toy baby doll a new kindles a bell from one of your reindeer collar pajamas and teacher stuff to play school with. I have been really good this year. Thank you! Kinlee, age 5.

Dear Santa,

I like uyor bots. I like uyor beard. I ben good. I wot a mostr truck gam for ChiSmas. Lov Jagger, Age 5.

Dear Santa,

Please have a safe trip this year. Hope all has been well since your last visit. If you could bring me a puppy I know what I would name him. A train would be nice too, or maybe a DS. If you have room stuff for Jax and me to do. Love you lots, Laiden, Age 6.

Dear Santa,

This year I want a T-206 Hounus Wagner baseball card, a bat, ball, glove signed by Babe Ruth, Hounus Wagner, Ted Williams and Nolan Ryan. I also want a x-box 360 and a play Station. Tons of baseball cars. Games for x-box and other things. A ticket to the world Seiries in 2014. A computer. A big hunting dog too. Cade, age 10.

Dear Santa,

This year I have done good on being nice. This year I want lots of presents like a big speaker for my Ipod. Or a lego set in the Lord of the Rings series. Thank you for giving me presents p.s. Be careful out there! Brent, Age 9.

Dear Santa,

This is want I want for Christmas a Christmas Barbie and a I frog and a glasshoes and a Pedicoat and Some Christmas earrings. Alyssa, age 6.

Dear Santa,

I think Dasher might a a cold last Christmas I heard him snees a lot. I can tell he has a cold from all that sneezing. I think it is funny. Nacncy, Age 8. (ART)

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I whant a I pod so I don't haf't to play on my DS and wii. And the most thing I wan't is a x box 1 and a wii u! You'r friend, Elijah.

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like books, and a red and green scarf. I would love Green and red boots, a colorful hat, and a butiful colorful Jacket. ZoeN., Age 9. PS: I'm on the Good list!

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I hope you and youre elves are having a good time. I want a tablet for Christmas. Dusti, Age 8.

Dear Santa,

Santa all I want for Chistmas is Skylander character Trigger Happy, crusher, and sklander spyro's adventure. I'd also want the king of railway. I also wants some new metal trains. Thank you. Zack, Age 9.

Dear Santa,

I love you becus you are my favit santa I hav Ben good. I wont a pingk pony with a crown a amarukin doll and the best thing evr. Emily Moore.

Dear Santa,

For Chritmas I would like a Brat doll. I would also like a Tent for Chritmas. I wish you happy Chritmas. Elizabeth, I am eight.

Dear Santa,

How fast can you travle? Are thar over 100 elfs? Ok I'll cut to the chase I want the movies Despicible Me 2, Cloudy with a chance ov meat balls 2. Addison, Age 9.

Dear Santa,

I want Dallas cowboys, Texas Longhorns, and EagLes football pants. Bumper, Age 8.

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. This is what for Christmas 1. Truck, 2. New game system 3. slinky. Esequiel, Age 5.

Dear Santa,

I luv yoo santa Claus An tacyeo Frrto Rreetoes childrens. (Santa knows.)

Dear Santa,

How are you doing with your Reindeer? I like To have a Watch anD Legos. Love James.

Dear Santa,

Many kids tell me you are not real. But I saw you at my Christmas Program YOU ARE Real!! So this year I want a mine craft toy. Thank you, Ethan age 5.

Dear Santa,

I want a DS or an airsoft gun or a rocket scooter. I will be nice to my little brother & take care of him. Please bring Reese an airsoft gun. Be careful walking down the chimney. Love Brady Odiorne.

Dear Santa,

I want three things for Christmas. I want a zoomer. And a set of Legos. And a Y-flicker. I wish my dad was better. Love Aleah, Age 6.

Dear Santa,

I homp you can make it on tise Crismes. I have Cuceyes and milk. I hope your wirlz. She ok? Briza, Age 6.

Dear Santa,

How is Miss Claus. I wot for Christmas is a raith A speshle nad peshloe in my home. Trex. Jeremiah.

Der Santa,

Do Git avrebude a toy. I wunt a pupey dog. Josie.

Dear Santa,

I wont a Drom. (Santa knows.)

Dear Santa,

Is it cold on the north pole? I hope you are warm. I would really be happy if uyyou would bring me car toys astuffedb lean toilet and a batman motor cycle. I hope you havee nough room in your bag for my stuff. Thanks! Ethan, Age 5.

Dear Santa,

List Santa. 1. Barbie Jeep. 2. Real Computer. 3. Real Phone. 4. real ipod. 5. barbie dolls 6. dress's. Brooke Hobbs.

Dear Santa,

I love Santa & Mrs is Miskeos an the elfs. Molly Odell, Age 5.

Dear Santa,

I like Christmas. This year for Christmas I would like a big helicopter, a game for my x-box. Lane, Age 6.

Dear Santa,

I have Been A very good boy this year and this is my wish lift for Christmas is a toy Dinosaur. (Santa knows.)

Dear Santa,

I want an I-pod for Christmas because I want to play it when I am at a football, baseball and basketball game. I want anew basketball. I was just to asking if you were feeling well becaus I just want to see how you are doing and I want to check on your elves because they shoud be good so they can get presents to. I want you to have a good Christmas. From: Blaze Welch.

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I hope I will get a new ps3 game called Asinnins creed 4 black flag. And I want a nother air soft gun that has zombie targets and two back up pistols that has camo ammo that is rubber. And I want a nother ps3 game called call of duty ghosts. Sincerely, Hayden. P.S. please don't fall out of the slay.

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a mp3 player and a 30 dollar music card and a box of pokemon and a mega nerf gun, notebook paper, rubber band braclets. Johnathan, 8 years old.

Dear Santa,

I want a playdou maker for chrismas and a train too and also a big huge truk with toy cars in it. Are you making a lots of toys? Why are your elf littal? Are you ok? Are your reindeers ok to fly to all 50 states and citys. I love you Santa you're the best in the whole warld. I want happiness in your kids. Carlos Martinez, 6 years old.

Dear Santa,

I wat for crismis is a laptop. I like Santa. I like to the noth plo to santa. Santa like cooces. I like crismis. I like stocing. I like Santa. I like Mis clos. I like Santa dog. I like elf. Hannah.

Dear Santa,

How are you and the raindeer? Santa I have been being rilly good! Thank you for my blacket it is so soft to sleep with! This year can I please have these things? I want a costuom of frozen, Two big dolls of frozen, A snoman of frozen! I will lieve you cookies. I hope you have a nice trip! Marlen, Age 8.

Dear Santa,

I'm sorry I didn't beleve in you Santa last year. I hop you are feeling Better this year. How did you get sick last year? Oh just to remind you all I want for Chistmas is a Ipod touch and a hug. Love, Emily Brenner, Age 10.

Dear Santa,

I don't want anything for Christmas if you made something from my Christmas wish list and see this letter befor Chrismas give my prestets to the familes that don't have any money to buy prestets. Now there is only one and only one thing I want for Christmas to see the smiles of the kids opening there prestents. Jennifer Martinez, 10 years old.

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